How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Looking to spice up your love life? We've got you covered with some insider tips from 21 women who know a thing or two about initiating intimacy. Whether it's a subtle touch or a flirty text, these ladies have shared their tried-and-true methods for getting things heated in the bedroom. Check out their advice and take your relationship to the next level. For more progressive dating tips, head to PussyPervert and start turning up the heat tonight!

When it comes to initiating sex, many people often think that it's the man's job to take the lead. However, in reality, women can and do initiate sex just as much as men. In fact, a recent survey of 21 women revealed some interesting and varied ways in which they initiate sex with their partners. From subtle hints to more direct approaches, these women shared their experiences and strategies for initiating sex. Whether you're a man or a woman, these insights can help you navigate the sometimes tricky but always exciting world of initiating sex in a relationship.

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Subtle Signals and Flirty Gestures

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For some women, initiating sex begins with subtle signals and flirty gestures. One woman described how she likes to send her partner a suggestive text message or leave a note with a sexy message for him to find. Another woman mentioned that she enjoys giving her partner a lingering kiss or a playful touch to let him know that she's in the mood. These subtle signals can be a fun and exciting way to initiate sex without being too direct.

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Setting the Mood

Creating the right atmosphere can also be a powerful way to initiate sex. Many women mentioned that they like to set the mood by dimming the lights, lighting candles, or playing soft music. One woman shared that she enjoys giving her partner a sensual massage as a way to initiate sex. Another woman mentioned that she likes to cook a romantic dinner for her partner and then surprise him with a seductive outfit. By setting the mood, these women create a sensual and inviting environment that makes it clear they're ready for intimacy.

Direct Communication

Some women prefer a more direct approach when it comes to initiating sex. One woman mentioned that she likes to simply ask her partner if he's in the mood for some fun. Another woman shared that she enjoys initiating sex by initiating a conversation about their desires and fantasies. For these women, clear and open communication is key to initiating sex in a way that feels comfortable and consensual for both partners.

Surprise and Spontaneity

For many women, surprise and spontaneity are key ingredients for initiating sex. One woman mentioned that she likes to surprise her partner by initiating sex in unexpected places, such as the kitchen or the car. Another woman shared that she enjoys initiating sex by spontaneously pulling her partner into a passionate kiss. These surprises can add an element of excitement and adventure to the experience of initiating sex.

Taking the Lead

In some relationships, women take the lead when it comes to initiating sex. One woman mentioned that she enjoys being the one to initiate sex because it makes her feel empowered and in control. Another woman shared that she likes to take the lead by initiating new and exciting sexual activities with her partner. By taking the lead, these women are able to initiate sex in a way that feels empowering and satisfying for both partners.


Initiating sex can be an exciting and fulfilling part of any relationship. Whether it's through subtle signals, setting the mood, direct communication, surprise and spontaneity, or taking the lead, there are many different ways in which women can initiate sex with their partners. By understanding and embracing these varied approaches, couples can create a more open and fulfilling sexual dynamic in their relationships. So, whether you're a man or a woman, don't be afraid to take the lead and initiate sex in a way that feels right for you and your partner.